Peace Education Books for Adults

Bison, J. (2002) Celebrate! An Anti-Bias Guide to Enjoying Holidays in Early Childhood Classrooms.  Redleaf Press.

Bajaj, M. (2008) Encyclopedia of Peace Education.  Information Age Publishing

Carlsson-Paige, N., Levine, D. (1998)  Before Push Comes to Shove: Building Conflict   Resolution Skills with Children. Redleaf Press

Chiras, D. (2005) EcoKids:  Raising Children Who Care for the Earth. New Society Publishers

Copple, Carol (ed) (2003), A World of Difference: Readings on Teaching Young Children in a Diverse Society, NAEYC

Davis, J. M. (2010) Young Children and the Environment: Early Education for Sustainability.
Cambridge University Press

Derman-Sparks, L. (1992 – new edition due soon) Anti-Bias Curriculum:  Tools for Empowering Young Children.  NAEYC

DeVries, R., Zan, B. (1994), Moral Classrooms, Moral Children (chapter 5, Conflict and its resolution). New York:  Teachers College Press.

Dowell, Carol (ed) (1996) Looking In, Looking Out:  Redefining Child Care and Early Education in a Diverse Society, San Francisco, CA:  California Tomorrow.

Evans, B. (2002), You Can’t Come to My Birthday Party!  High Scope Educational Research Foundation.

Gartrell, Dan (2012) Education for a Civil Society: How guidance teaches young children democratic life skills.  NAEYC, Washington, D.C.

Gifford, D. Peace Jam: How Young People Can Make peace in Their Schools and Communities. (2004) Jossey-Bass

Harris, D. (2002) Peace Education.  McFarland & Co.

Hopkins, J. (ed) (2000) The Art of Peace : Nobel Peace Laureates discuss Human Rights, Conflict and Reconciliation Snow Lion Publications. Ithica, N.Y.

Hopkins, S. (1999). Hearing Everyone’s Voice: Educating Young Children for Peace and Democratic Community. Redmond, WA: Child Care Information Exchange.

—— Thinking Together with Young Children: Weaving a Tapestry of Community

Susan Hopkins:

Kohn, Alfie (1996) Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community. Alexandria, VA:  ASCD.

—— (1999) Punished by Rewards, Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Kreidler, W. J. (1984). Creative Conflict Resolution. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman Goodyear Books.

—— (1994) Teaching Conflict Resolution through Children’s Literature. P reK- grade 6. Jefferson City, MO: Scholastic Professional Books

—— (1999) Adventures in Peacemaking: A Conflict Resolution Activity Guide for Early Childhood Educators. Cambridge, MA: Educators for Social Responsibilities.

—— (1990) Elementary Perspectives: Teaching Concepts of Peace and Conflict. Grades K-6.  Cambridge, MA: Educators for Social Responsibility

Lantieri, L. (1998). Waging Peace in Our Schools. Beacon Press

Levin, D. (2003) Teaching Young Children in Violent Times: Building a peaceable classroom.  Educators for Social Responsibility

Levin, D., Connolly, Pl, & J. Hayden (2007) From Conflict to Peace Building:  The power of early childhood initiatives.  World Forum Foundation, NIPPA – The Early Years Organization

McCarthy, C., (2002) I’d Rather Teach Peace. Orbis Books

Ramsey, P. G. (2004) Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World.  Teachers College Press

Slaby, R., Roedell, W., Arezzo, D & K. Hendrix (1995) Early Violence Prevention:  Tools for Teachers of Young Children. NAEYC

Stevens, J. (1992) Art of Peace. Shambala Publishing.

Vance, E., P. Weaver, (2002)  Class Meetings:  Young Children Solving Problems Together.  NAEYC

Wolpert, E. (1999) Start Seeing Diversity: The Basic Guide to an Anti-Bias Classroom, video guide, St. Paul, MN Redleaf Press

York, S. (2003) Roots and Wings:  Affirming Culture in Early Childhood Programs. Red Leaf Press

Additional book lists can be found at  Welcoming Schools and The Children’s Peace Education & Anti-Bias Library.

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