2012 NAEYC Conference

We found Atlanta to be an inspirational site for CEASE. Our visit to the Martin Luther King, Jr. birthplace and National Historic Site brought the civil rights movement and King’s devotion to social justice alive for us. President Jimmy Carter’s Library and Museum inspires us to continue working toward building […]

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12 middle-aged white people pose in front of trees

2012 CEASE Annual Retreat

Grass Valley, CA, June 14-17 CEASE East and West members gathered at the Woolman Retreat in Nevada City, California for three days of working on our commitment to create a safe and just world for children and families, planning our activities for the coming year and enjoying our valued companionship. […]

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5 middle-aged white people pose with their arms around each other's shoulders

2011 CEASE Annual Meeting

CEASE’s 2011 Fall Packet included news of our Summer Retreat (reported below), as well as participation in August’s Save Our Schools March and our plans for the 2011 NAEYC Conference. It also included our recommendations for other sessions at that Conference. Cease and LGBT Interest Forum Collaborative Session This year […]

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16 middle-aged and older white people stand on a small street in front of trees smiling at the camera

2011 CEASE Annual Retreat

In June 2011 the leadership of CEASE held its annual retreat in Somerville, Cambridge, and Truro, Massachusetts, hosted by our CEASE East members. We had a very productive several days, reviewing the past year, the current landscape of early childhood care and education, the challenges faced in the wider world […]

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2010 CEASE Reunion

CEASE and its members were very active at the 2010 NAEYC Conference in Anaheim, California, from November 3-6, 2010. It began with our Interest Forum table: The table was up and mostly staffed for the duration of the Conference. At the table we met many new friends and old, and […]

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