Illustrated book cover of the inside of a theater, looking down over the red seats to the stage with red curtains. On stage are chairs and orchestra instruments

Book Recommendation — August 2024

The Boy Who Said Wow opens in a new tab

By Todd Boss author
Illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh

Beach Lane Books, 2024.

Inspired by the true story of a young boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) moved to speech at his first Mozart concert. The picture book is a testament to the power of music, and the joy it can bring to us all.

When Grandfather comes to take his grandson to a concert, Ronan is quiet as they leave the house, quiet in the car, and quiet at the concert hall. Ronan is nonverbal. But when the performance of Masonic Funeral Music by the Handel and Haydn Society ends and the music slowly fades out at last, Ronan opens his mouth…and lets out a great big WOW!

Not any old WOW, but Ronan’s very first WOW! The word is caught on a radio recording. That one specific word fills up the hearts of Ronan’s family, the musicians, the audience, and—when the recording goes viral—the world.

This is a sweet book based on 9-year-old Ronan Mattin and his first trip to Boston’s Symphony Hall on May 5, 2019. It gently explains his neurodivergent differences and captures the joy of beautiful music and a Grandfather’s love.

Illustrated spread of a boy, dog, and grandfather purchasing tickets at the theater window. Behind them people walk into the theater doorway.

The illustrations are bright and whimsical. The text is sparse and clear. This KSWB station article and video opens in a new tab gives you a peek at Ronan and his family and you can hear the actual “WOW”.

Submitted by Karen Kosko

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