Illustrated children's book cover with people marching and holding up signs that say Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights

Book Recommendation — July 2024

Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights opens in a new tab

By Rob Saunders
Illustrated by Jared Andrew Schorr

Simon & Schuster, 2018.

On one level, it’s just an alphabet book, yet this book is inspiring, powerful and a fun to read tour through our alphabet. Author Sanders has listed methods for peaceful demonstrations for each letter of the alphabet, i.e. Assemble, Take action, Create allies to Voting, and Volunteering, Sanders gently reminds students to stand up for what they believe in, and to look at how leaders worked in the past. I found it a great teaching tool for a classroom lesson, or to be used as a supplemental text for a social study unit.

You don’t have to agree with the author’s word choices, yet you get to have the conversation and discuss other language possibilities for each letter.

Illustrated spread of a teacher holding a book. Text reads "Educate. Encourage. Endure." The blackboard behind the teacher reads, "Be fearless. Fly a flag. File a lawsuit. Have faith."

This is timely as a social justice book considering how many books have been banned lately in public schools and libraries.

The book opens with a MLK quote, “We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.” and takes us on a quest highlighting the need to Educate, Encourage, and Endure. We experience how one promotes nonviolent, peaceful protesting as a course of action for positive change.

The illustrations are remarkable collages. Jared Schorr’s bold, bright images bring the resistance to life making it clear that one person can make a difference. And together, we can accomplish anything. Students will identify with folks depicted on these pages, which highlight the fact that community members have a responsibility to others.

Illustration of protestors holding signs which read, "Inquire. Inform. Imagine. Invite." Text at the bottom of the page reads, "Join others on the journey. Join others in the fight."

A teacher’s job includes preparing students to be well-educated, engaged citizens guided by respect, integrity, compassion, and a sense of justice.

This selection is full of these empowering messages and reminds voters how to engage in a democratic society where dissent is patriotic. The message here is that Democracy is NOT a spectator sport.

Included at the end of this wonderful picture book is an author’s note on peaceful protests and a glossary of over thirty definitions.

Visit author Rob Sanders’ website opens in a new tab

Submitted by Karen Kosko

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