November is Native American Heritage with a National Day of Mourning, as well as an International Day of Tolerance and World Children’s Day.
October 2023 Days of the Month
In October we celebrate LGBT history, and Days for nonviolence, teachers, Indigenous peoples, the Girl Child and the 1st day of Sukkot
September 2023 Days of the Month
In September we celebrate days for Grandparents, International Days for Peace, Sign Language, and the Total Elimination of Nuclear weapons.
August 2023 Days of the Month
This August we’re celebrating days for International Youth, Indigenous peoples, and recognizing the 78th anniversary of the Japan bombings
July 2023 Days of the Month
This July we’re celebrating International Day of Coops, the birth of Ida B. Wells, and Nelson Mandela Day.
June 2023 Days of the Month
June is Caribbean American and LGBTQ Pride month. We also celebrate UN Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
May 2023 Days of the Month
May is Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month. We also celebrate National Children’s book week.
April 2023 Days of the Month
April is National Poetry Month Arab American Heritage. Other events to celebrate include: Passover, Earth Day, and Jazz Day