March 2023 we celebrate Women’s History and Deaf History Month, Ramadan, as well as days highlighting Poetry, Down Syndrome, Water, and Cesar Chavez
Dear Olive Branch, March 2023
We’ve all heard flight attendants say, “Put on your own oxygen mask first.” That is care of self. We share the following stories with you, so we are cleared for takeoff.
Shine a Light on Peace
Last month, our organization started a new donation initiative called Shine a Light on Peace. Several donations were made, and we would like to celebrate some of the people who were honored.
February 2023 Days of the Month
February 2023 is Black History Month and also features days celebrating Women and Girls in Science, a day against the use of child soldiers, and International Mother Language Day.
2022 PEACE Award to Indigenous Visioning
Congratulations Indigenous Visioning for preserving the traditions of your past for future generations.
January 2023 Days of the Month
January 2023 days featured include World Braille Day; the birth date of Sadako Sasaki, a victim of the Hiroshima, Japan bombing; Martin Luther King Jr. day; Tet, Vietnamese New Year, and the International Day of Memory for victims of the Holocaust
2022 PEACE Award — Hannah Thompson
Congratulations Hannah Thompson —An extraordinary worker for peace and P.E.A.C.E. Since joining P.E.A.C.E. a few short years ago, Hannah’s commitment and skills have become a mainstay for all our work. The list of responsibilities she has undertaken is long!
New Children’s Books Virtual Book Club
You are invited to share your favorite children’s books & activities you use to deepen the learning from a children’s book. Wednesday, March 22. Time TBD.