A Name Change
The first topic of discussion involved our name change. Lucy informed the group that we received a majority of proxy votes in favor of changing our name from CEASE to P.E.A.C.E.: Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere.
Marilyn Shelton shared positive reactions she received during other Interest Form meetings during the conference about our name change. Anarella Cellitti expressed sadness: “The motivators and creators are not here with us anymore. I feel that part of CEASE is dying off by changing the name.” After the open discussion, we all agreed to change our name in accordance with the proxy votes, and accept the changes in our statement of purposes and our focus for future action.
The next topic of discussion centered on choosing a topic for the 2015 NAEYC Conference in Orlando, Florida. We decided to focus on two topics: “Peace Educators” (i.e., peace camps, peace studies with teachers, and giving children a safe environment in disaster areas) and “Children and Nature” (i.e., gardening, nature schools).
We are looking forward to collaborating with members from DEY and EPCC (Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities).

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