2024 Annual Retreat

PEACE members pose at the annual board retreat

Report from the P.E.A.C.E. Retreat, June 2024

In June, P.E.A.C.E. members met in person and via zoom, at the Mercy Center in Auburn, CA, for our annual Retreat. The agenda covered a variety of topics regarding our accomplished work and new, upcoming events.

This year’s NAEYC Conference will be held in Anaheim, November 6th through the 9th. Watch for the announcement of the date and timing of our annual meeting. We deliberated and chose our 2024 Peace Awardees: Pat Landry, Monica Moran, and Carole Welp. The awards will be presented at this annual meeting.

A college-aged woman is in the foreground, kneeling down to record an older woman with her phone. The woman is seated on a park bench in the shade.
Natasha recording Irene Lipshin for video content, at the retreat in Auburn, CA

We had ongoing meetings regarding the structure and future of our organization. We are planning on creating videos regarding our work and to hopefully recruit new members. Our social media intern, Natasha Pavelek, has been working on content for this project. Our current membership is free; however, we are considering adding membership donations to offset our costs. More to come on this.

On Saturday, Diane Levin joined us for the first part of the morning. She created four beautiful scarves that were raffled off among our group of participants. Thank you, Diane!

4 women stand in front of a classroom pin board.

An older woman pins a hand knitted scarf to a classroom pin board. There is a pride flag and t-shirt pinned on the board, as well. Several other women look on.

Diane Levin’s beautifully knitted scarves

Also, the PEACE Mini-Grants program played an important role at this year’s retreat. Lucy Stroock shared this year’s Peace Projects that were successfully completed, as they each provided a fine window into the work that the programs had accomplished in spring.

We look forward to more inspiration from future projects and hope you will follow the future 2024 newsletter editions, as the Peace projects will appear month by month, starting with this month’s edition. Please also consider becoming a project leader or sponsor for the next round of awards coming this fall.

We encourage you to donate and contribute to the continuation of this good work!
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