Alliance for Childhood
The Alliance for Childhoodopens in a new tab promotes policies and practices that support children’s healthy development, love of learning, and joy in living. Public education campaigns bring to light both the promise and the vulnerability of childhood. We act for the sake of the children themselves and for a more just, democratic, and ecologically responsible future. Play and the critical importance of nature are the recent focus of the Alliance.
Childhood Education International
Childhood Education Internationalopens in a new tab members from all corners of the world share a dual commitment to the fulfillment of every child’s potential and to the professional development of teachers. They strive to promote the goals and mission of the organization; which are to promote the inherent rights, education and well-being of all children in their home, school and community. Members work diligently to ensure that every child will be counted and have a voice.
Fairplay for Kids
Fairplay for Kidsopens in a new tab (formerly The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood) has a mission is to reclaim childhood from corporate marketers. A marketing-driven media culture sells children on behaviors and values driven by the need to promote profit rather than the public good. The commercialization of childhood is the link between many of the most serious problems facing children, and society exacerbated by advertising and marketing. Fairplay works for the rights of children to grow up — and the freedom for parents to raise them — without being undermined by commercial interests.
World Forum Foundation
The World Forum Foundationopens in a new tab (WFF) grew out of the Child Care Exchange Magazine, a long-time supporter of P.E.A.C.E. and the ideas it advances. WFF provides a place, including in-person meetings in different parts of the world, for leaders in early childhood care and education to gather and advance the state of young children everywhere.
Defending the Early Years
DEY Healthcareopens in a new tab is a project designed to track the effects of new preschool standards on early childhood education; to promote appropriate guidelines for early childhood educators, with a strong emphasis on child-directed play; and to mobilize the early childhood community to speak out with well-reasoned arguments against inappropriate standards, assessments, and classroom practices. The project is directed by Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin,, with senior advisers Nancy Carlsson-Paige and Diane Levin. Both Diane and Nancy are long-time and active P.E.A.C.E. members.
Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities
Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities
Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communitiesopens in a new tab (EPCC) has a mission to impart the values of peace to the community, families, and most of all, to children. EPCC’s transformative Core Trainings provide early childhood educators with skills and strategies for working with families and the community to provide a safe environment for children. EPCC offers conference presentations and customized workshops for a variety of groups including parent groups, family resource centers, private and public schools, child care and education programs, child development and credential students and community groups.
National Association for the Education of Young Children
P.E.A.C.E. was born at a National Conference of NAEYCopens in a new tab in 1979 and presents each year at the Conference. Our annual meeting is held then, and we collaborate through the P.E.A.C.E. / Violence in the Lives of Children Interest Forum. Join the advocacy work of NAEYC by going to its Public Policy page and signing up for the e-mail list for action for children, “Children’s Champions”.
SOS, Save Our Schools
SOSopens in a new tab sponsored a conference and march in Washington, DC, in late July 2011, and is holding another conference in Washington, DC in early August 2012. SOS demands for the future of our children: equitable public funding for all public school communities; an end to high-stakes testing used to evaluate students, teachers and schools; teacher, family and community leadership in forming public education policies; and curriculum developed by and for local school communities. Within SOS, P.E.A.C.E. is working with others to add to its demands that education policies and practices should respect a child’s (0–8 years old) need to learn through active engagement and play, which tests cannot assess.
T.R.U.C.E, Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children’s Entertainment
TRUCEopens in a new tab provides resource guides about healthy choices for toys, media violence plus other information, and Diane Levin’s “Guidelines for Helping Children during the War.”
Orange County Peace Camp
Peace Camp is a day camp experience open to kids ages 5–17. At Peace Camp, campers learn tools to help create a cohesive social community. Safety and respect for self, others, and the environment are explored and practiced through the development of concepts. Skills in conflict management and community building are implemented with an anti-biasopens in a new tab focus. Time and awareness of campers’ special concerns and unique qualities allow each individual to enhance the community.
Childcare Exchange
For 30 years, Exchangeopens in a new tab has promoted the exchange of ideas among leaders in early childhood programs worldwide through its magazine, books, training products, training seminars, and international conferences. P.E.A.C.E. is one of the Exchange Strategic Partners, a formal working relationship with a wide number of early childhood organizations world wide. Please note that this is a legacy site. New content from the Exchange team can now be found at The World Forum Foundationopens in a new tab.