“They sound different” Sensory Studio Project

A book shelf with a variety of sensory elements, including an abacus, noise makers, and toys that light up.
A corner set up for small children with a rug, sensory tiles, and other items to create a sensory studio
The newly designed Sensory Studio at the CDES Lab School, Fullerton College, CA

Peace Projects 2024

The P.E.A.C.E Projects is an initiative to sponsor and mentor early childhood educators, in promoting Peace Education for young children in the classroom.

By Danielle De Avila, Child Development & Educational Studies (CDES) Lab School, Fullerton College, CA

What has been known as the Light and Shadow Studio, has been used as a space for a child to spend time with their Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapist to work on their goals this past year. The child’s aide has been bringing in their own materials to support the child’s sensory needs. This led the teachers to rethink the materials in the environments and evaluate what needs are not being met.

After evaluations and reflections, the teachers and children were inspired to plan a space together and redesign the Light and Shadow Studio into a Sensory Studio to meet the needs of the children. As we say, “The CDES Lab School is one community”, and we work with the children when it comes to redesigning any space they use. Therefore to begin the process, the children were invited to support with cleaning out the space. The following responses were given during our conversation:

“Can I help?” — Tarek
“Can I help clean?” — Jade
“We are redesigning it into a Sensory Studio” — Scarlett
“A Sensory Studio! I wanted that name!” — Tarek

With the children’s planning and help, the Light and Shadow Studio was redesigned into a Sensory Studio. We introduced the new materials including the Liquid Tiles during a morning meeting prior to placing them in the Studio:

“It’s squishy! Look at the water move!” — Scarlett
“When I jump the color moves around.” — Marlee

Children exploring the new Sensory Tiles & Sensory Balls (identities are protected and kept private)

We introduced the Sensory Balls and the Sight and Sound Tubes inside the studio with a small group of children. They responded with the following:

“They sound different.” — Haley
“What is inside these that it doesn’t sound the same?” — Tarek
“It’s quiet because they are feathers.” — Violet

We spent some time during a small focus work exploring the Sensory Foam Paint and the children responded:

“This feels like soap.” — Carter
“It’s so soft and fluffy when you mix it.” — Julia
“Yeah” — Joseph
“Mmm” — Luna

We read many books such as, When Things Get Too Loud by Anna Alcott and My Brain is a Race Car by Nell Harris, that supported the children’s ideas and concepts of why others respond the way they do as well as give them suggestions when they feel overstimulated.

The sensory table was introduced as a new material for the outdoor environment where the children from all the classrooms can enjoy. With the current weather warming up, the children have spent time using the table with water to scoop and play with.

Children exploring the new sensory table outside (identities are protected and kept private).

The materials and resources helped guide the sensory play with children as well as support children’s development such as communication skills, motor skills, cognitive skills, and creativity. I am grateful to be on this journey to support the children’s needs and begin the process of redesigning a studio space with the children of the CDES Lab School.