Illustrated cover of the book Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings. Poems by Joy Harjo. Native Americans dance around a pole with a figure head at the top.

Poetry for us — Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings (Part 6)

Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings (Part 6)

By Joy Harjo

6. Use what you learn to resolve your own conflicts and to mediate others’ conflicts

When we made it back home, back over those curved roads that wind through the city of peace, we stopped at the doorway of dusk as it opened to our homelands. We gave thanks for the story, for all parts of the story because it was by the light of those challenges we knew ourselves—
We asked for forgiveness.
We laid down our burdens next to each other.

This is the last part, in the series of six, from Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings — Poems by Joy Harjo.

Listen to Pádraig Ó Tuama discuss Harjo’s poem in his podcast Poetry Unbound
