Poetry for Us — Recipe for Peace

Recipe for Peace

By Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Peace is possible.
Make peace an attitude.
Want it.
Make peace a habit.
Live it.
Make peace a reality.
Share it.
Peace is possible.
Make peace matter.
Our matter.
Make peace a priority.
Our priority.
Make peace a choice.
Our choice.
Peace is possible.

We must
Think gently,
Speak gently,
Live gently.
Peace is possible.
Be happy with who you are.
Be happy with who others are.
Be happy that we Are.
Peace is possible.
Role model acceptance.
Love others.
Role model forgiveness.
Encourage others.
Role model tolerance.
Treasure others.
Peace is possible.
Peace is possible.
Peace is possible.

What do you think is necessary for peace? Create your own peace poem here! opens in a new tab

“Recipe for Peace” ©Mattie J.T. Stepanek 2002
Reflections of a Peacemaker opens in a new tab (AMP, 2005).
Educational materials ©Jeni Stepanek, Ph.D.

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