Take Action

Take Action

P.E.A.C.E is an Activist Organization.

P.E.A.C.E. members protesting in front of the US Capitol building. They hold signs and are waving a banner.

We act on public issues related to our purposes, to help young children grow up in a peaceful family, school, community, country and world. Peace starts within each of us, then in our immediate contacts, including the children and families with whom we work, and only then with our neighborhoods, communities, and wider jurisdictions.

Receive our Newsletter

Each month our members get our news, starting with a message like these below. Join our organization to receive the latest Peace News in your inbox.

Action Alerts! March 2025

Oppose Upcoming Budget Cut Proposals!

P.E.A.C.E. members, we are urging you to reach out to your Senators and Representatives, to oppose the Federal Budget proposal that sacrifices children and other vulnerable citizens in order to give huge tax cuts to billionaires.

Per N.A.E.Y.C., “We call on Congress to continue to make progress towards the necessary, significant, and sustained investments in quality child care and early learning that respond to our communities’ short- and long-term needs, and support America’s economy, families’ economic security, and children’s success.”

Please do it! Our careers, and the lives of the children and families in our care, depend on it. Thank you.

Take Action Today

Choose a Cause

First Steps

Call Leaders

Tell our leaders to reduce war spending and to use weapon money to help young children grow.

  • US Congress
    (202) 224-3121
  • President
    (202) 456-1111

Speak Up

Speak up for the incalculable number of children currently victimized by war and bias.
Contact your US Representativesopens in a new tab and Senatorsopens in a new tab.

Act4Peace List Serve

Join the Actforpeace List Serve

P.E.A.C.E. has an action arm, a list serve called Actforpeace, which alerts its members by email to opportunities for public policy actions to help children (and their parents and teachers) survive and thrive in a more peaceful, healthier world. The messages mostly relate to the action agenda items described below. Any participant in the list serve can initiate messages, and they come maybe 5 – 10 times a month. To join the list serve, send a message to 1peaceeducators@gmail.com, asking to be invited to join.

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