August 2023 Action Alerts

More Child Care Support Needed Now

The U.S. Congress is about to go home for the month of August, as a vacation and an opportunity to campaign. Although they’re not going to pass any laws for a month, this is an excellent opportunity for you to get in touch with them on a personal level.

When they get back in September, they’ll be fighting the details of appropriations and taxes needed to keep the U.S. Government from going bankrupt. Those appropriations need to include big increases for child care.

If you invite them to visit your child care program, or if you get a bunch of your colleagues together for a meeting with them, they’re likely to listen to you, in contrast with when they’re politicking in DC. Please tell them that America’s economy and the elimination of the pandemic learning gap depend crucially on Congress providing more meaningful support for good quality child care so that families can feel secure enough for the caretakers to return to work and young children will be able to thrive in health and safety. Give them your great examples. Please!

Help Congress Pass Protection for Children’s Safety and Privacy Online

When it gets back, the Senate will consider the Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act. These two important bills are needed to protect children, especially young children, from the abuses, including early addiction, arising from their use of social media. Our colleagues at Fairplay have been leading the push on these efforts. Get in touch with them at Fairplay for Kids opens in a new tab for more information and for resources to help the children in your care and their families.

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