Headshot of Josh Golin, a white middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard.

2022 PEACE Award — Josh Golin

Josh Golin and Fairplay for Kids

2022 Peace Award Winners

With your new name, Fairplay for Kids, continues the watchdog work of the Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood. Using determination and activism you put the corporate world and the media on notice that they cannot continue to exploit our children for their commercial interests! So many years and so much change later, those of us who began with Act for Children’s Television salute you for the successes you can claim and congratulate you and Susan Linn for your creative effort in building this organization into the powerhouse it is today.

Your collective pressure on Congress raises the hope that children now, and in the future, will receive the protection they deserve from the threatening world of today’s media. What good news that a coalition is now mobilizing to require those dominating the media to prioritize the well-being of young people. May they respect the children and institute the regulations from Designed with Kids in Mind!

With gratitude and hope, we thank you.

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