Illustrated book cover of Ways to Play, with a boy playing with a grey spotted dog on its hind legs. 2 other children are in the background playing in the grass

Book Recommendations — February 2024

Ways to Play opens in a new tab

By LynMiller-Lachmann
Illustrated by Gabriel Albrorozo

Levine Querido, 2023.

I am bringing your attention to a charming picture book about all the ways there are to play through a story about individual expression. Sharing this book could lead to genuine discussions about personality differences and conversations on acceptance and anti-bullying.

The story is straightforward and inclusive. A young boy, Riley, stands up for himself by demonstrating how he likes to play even when his bossy cousin Emma visits. She thinks there is only one way to play with toys. “That’s not how you’re supposed to do it, Riley, says Bossy Emma”. Riley: “That’s how I do it , I say.”

Charlie, the dog, is there to help the cousins find common ground. “And everyone’s way is the right way.”

This book is based on experiences that author Lyn Miller-Lachmann opens in a new tab had growing up as a child with autism. She writes a detailed author note at the back of the book including her philosophy on how there is no “right way” and “wrong way” to play, but instead – just different ways.

Lyn Miller-Lachmann is an award-winning author of fiction and biographies for young people and a translator of children’s books from Portuguese to English.

Illustrated book cover of "She Persisted, Temple Grandin" who is depicted holding in a picture frame holding up a calf.

Lyn also wrote She Persisted: Temple Grandin opens in a new tab in 2022.

Ways to Play is illustrated with humor and tenderness by artist Gabriel Alborozo – himself a creator with autism – with authority in the value of understanding how others contribute in social situations. Gabriel Alborozo is a cartoonist and illustrator based in East Sussex, UK. Over the years his work has appeared regularly in numerous magazines, but his first love is and has always been creating art for children. He has illustrated several books for children, including Martha Brockenbrough’s This Old Dog opens in a new tab.

Submitted by Karen Kosko

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