Tell Congress your concerns about the need for high quality, universally available and well-funded child care, supported by the federal government.
New Project to Aid Ukrainian Children and Families
The Clairina Foundation and the Social Story Center have joined forces to in a new initiative to support children and families in Ukraine.
P.E.A.C.E. Membership Meeting — August 6, 2023
Our topic was reviewing the history of CEASE/P.E.A.C.E. which was founded at an NAEYC conference in 1979, inspired by concern about the dangers of nuclear radiation from above ground testing of nuclear weapons.
Dear Olive Branch, September 2023
Words have power. When the choice of how you use your words comes to tearing down or lifting up. Which will you choose? —The Power of Words, January 5, 2022
August 2023 Action Alerts
August Action Alerts include a call for more childcare support and urging congress to pass 2 pieces of legislation for kids’ online safety and privacy.
August 6 Membership Meeting
You are all invited to our next Membership meeting on August 6th! We’ll be reviewing our history and learn what is currently being done to stop nuclear weapons.
Movie Review: We Still Live Here (Âs Nutayuneân)
At the P.E.A.C.E. retreat in June, we previewed the video We Still Live Here As Nutayunean, a film by Ann Makepeace. It is an older video from 2010 but still is very much relevant today.
July 2023 Action Alerts
Two updates related to advocacy for Indigenous people: supreme court upholds ICWA and the US Senate passes Truth and Healing Bill