book cover of Tell All the Children Our Story. Colorful text in a children's writing is over a darkened image of a black child in the background

February 2023 Days of the Month

February is African American History Month

Tell All the Children Our Story: Memories and Mementos of Being Young and Black in America opens in a new tab

By Tonia Bolden

In a warm, personal voice, Tonya Bolden explores what it has meant to be young and black in America. From the first recorded birth of a black child in Jamestown, through the Revolution, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the fight for civil rights, right on up to our own time, Bolden brings to light how black children have worked and played, suffered, and rejoiced. 127 illustrations.

February 11 — International Day of Women and Girls in Science opens in a new tab

This year’s focus of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (I.D.W.G.I.S.) is Bringing Everyone Forward for Sustainable and Equitable Development.

The Assembly is bringing forward women in science, youth, experts, and professionals together with multi-stakeholder in dialogues and discussion for identifying conditions and tools to put Science, Technology, and Innovation at the heart of sustainable development programs, international relations, and public and private sectors strategies and implementation plans. The 8th Assembly aims to assist policymakers — at all levels whether in public or private sectors — to evolving a more mature relationship between science, policy, and society for strategies that they can commit to for the future.The United Nations

YouTube poster image of Mouminatou Barry, a young black woman in a short-sleeved dress. There is a Play button over the image.
Mouminatou Barry, featured in this video opens in a new tab, is one of countless female innovators who prove that all people can make a contribution to science and technology. Sharing their experiences, these accomplished women send a strong message of empowerment for new generations of women and girls in the field of science and technology.

illustration of the palm side of a hand in red. A white icon of a child soldier is in the center of the palm

February 12 — International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers (Red Hand Day) opens in a new tab

On the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers or Red Hand Day, pleas are made to political leaders. Around the world, we see organized events to draw attention to “child soldiers”: children who are under the age of 18, and who participate in military organizations of all kinds. February 12 is a day of advocacy in support of children who are affected by this and to stop this practice!

A brown-skinned girl with pigtails stands at a blackboard writing with chalk
Photo courtesy of UnSplash

February 21 — International Mother Language Day opens in a new tab

At least 43% of the estimated 6000 languages spoken in the world are endangered opens in a new tab. Only a few hundred languages have genuinely been given a place in education systems and the public domain, and less than a hundred are used in the digital world. International Mother Language Day recognizes that languages and multilingualism can advance inclusion, and thus leaving no one behind. Current research shows the cognitive advance children will gain when embracing and supporting the child’s first language or mother tongue.

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