Sarah Pirtle singing at a mic with a guitar in hand

A Song to Share — Keep Holding the Light

Keep Holding the Light

Holding the Light” is something I use when I go into an early childhood classroom. I literally prepare myself by creating that orientation. I wrote about it in my book Better Together opens in a new tab and I can draw from that plus write something new.”
— Songwriter, Sarah Pirtle


This light we are shining,
this is everyone’s light.
This light we are sharing
keeps our souls shining bright.
If you feel you can’t go on,
I’ll sing back to you your song.


Keep holding the light.
Keep holding the light.

Songwriter’s Note:

The wonder of leading group singing is that everyone at the same time can feel you caring about them as you shine the light of your heart and, like the sun, touch everyone equally. Way back in 1976 I started a practice that before teaching I take a moment to cast an intention to care for everyone. I want to work along with the invisible forces for good.

I experience what we create as a golden circle. We need places where we can belong and be our true selves. We create those through the words and interactions as we sing. I work with qualities. Quietly inside myself I call in a canopy of caring, or it might be thought of as a tent, over the group. I’ll tell myself as I’m driving towards a school: “I can love each person I meet.”

Paolo Freire said we build the road as we walk it. That future time of peace is here, this moment when we call in qualities from our hearts. These might be, “I intend for this to be a time of mutual respect, clear communication, palpable caring, compassion.” I find it makes a difference to do this. When a group is connected, I feel an invisible humming. When we’ve each contributed our own light, we can sense this collaboration. I often describe this sensation: “Look at this. We’ve made soup together.” We’ve become something larger than ourselves alone. We’ve made a place where we shine.

Words by Sarah Pirtle and Kit Stinson, music by Sarah Pirtle,
© 2018 Discovery Center Music.

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