Action Alerts! 2018 Election Results Thank you for voting on November 6. It’s a bit too early to read the tea leaves about results, but we may find it a bit easier to get positive financing and other changes for young children and their families through the new Congress. In […]
September 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Raising Awareness on Play’s Importance Two recent developments focused public attention on the importance of child-initiated play in children’s overall development and success in life, as well as the negative impact of play deprivation on our country’s prospects as a civil society practicing democracy. The first of these was […]
August 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Action Alerts! Re-Unite Immigrant Families! There still are well over 800 children who were torn away from their undocumented families recently and have been put in detention all over the U.S., with no push by the Government to get them back together again. The Government needs to compensate […]
July 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Action Alerts! Re-Unite Immigrant Families! There still are well over 1,000 children who were torn away from their undocumented families recently and have been put in detention all over the U.S., with no push by the Government to get them back together again. At the 700 June 30 protests the people spoke, saying […]
June 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Action Alerts! War? All of us, including the children we care for, are facing unprecedented perils and opportunities as the President’s war-oriented foreign policy team is moving toward negotiations with North Korea and disruption of the multilateral agreement to keep Iran from producing nuclear weapons. At the same time the […]
May 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
War? All of us, including the children we care for, are facing unprecedented perils and opportunities as the President’s war-oriented foreign policy team is moving toward negotiations with North Korea and disruption of the multilateral agreement to keep Iran from producing nuclear weapons. At the same time the U.S. Senate […]
April 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Action Alert! Children, parents, and early childhood providers throughout the United States should thank you for your help in convincing Congress, on March 23, to pass an Appropriations Act, that includes a $2.4 Billion increase in appropriations for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) (almost doubling it!) […]
March 2018 P.E.A.C.E. News
Action Alert! Children, parents, and early childhood providers throughout the United States need your help right away. On February 8, Congress passed and the President approved legislation that authorized a DOUBLING of the funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) and a big increase in Head […]